Choosing file system – About Journaling

computer-technology-webThe thing you are going to admit is that, when you make a choice between those file systems, some have note ‘journaling’ and some don’t. It is a moment to pay attention to. Journaling is aimed to prevent data damage in cases of crashes and unexpected power shutdown. Imagine your system is in the middle of processing or writing a file to a disk, and all the sudden, there is no electricity. If there is no journal, your computer will never find out whether the file was successfully written on the disk. As a result, the damaged or corrupted file will stay on the disk.

Having a journal, your computer will note that it was going to write a particular file to that disk. This note will be in the journal and, as soon as the power and access to work is restored, the computer will continue working, taking out the data from the journal, completing the task. It is a security mechanism to avoid data loss and creation of the corrupted files.

Journaling influences the speed of writing and processes on a computer, but it is a great backup option that is worth it. The full file is not recorded into the journal, but only those characteristics as inode, metadata, or the location of the disk. Only after this, the file is written to the disk.

Each file system, nowadays, has access to journaling. It is convenient to use a file system that has a journaling option available when you set up your computer. Those file systems that don’t support journaling are usually controlled by administrators who value each possibility to extract every chance of higher performance. Also, they are perfect for portable flash drives, because in this case, you don’t need extra performance and extra lines of journaling.

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